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Niall McLauchlan sieht den neuen Studierenden zielgerichtet entgegen.

Niall McLauch­lan

Niall McLauchlan wird eine Leistungsklasse im Modul Business English halten. Drei Fragen und ihre Antworten dazu.

Was ist Ihr praktischer und akademischer Hintergrund?

I successfully completed a BBA in Tourism & Hospitality at HTW Chur in 2005 and ventured out into the Hospitality industry. After many years in business, I decided to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher and obtained Cambridge CELTA certification at IH Baden, combining my love for languages and my passion for teaching. Since then, I have been working as an English teacher at HTW Chur and other regional institutions and have been recently selected as a Cambridge Speaking Examiner.


Wie soll ich mir Ihre Vorlesung vorstellen?

Lessons are designed to offer students a supportive atmosphere, conductive to learning and use official Cambridge BEC materials to support both short-term exam goals and long-term development of Business English language skills. Lessons are a collaborative effort, focussing on improving Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills and give students the chance to voice and share their opinions on business related topics, whilst refining grammar and increasing vocabulary.


Wie kann ich das bei Ihnen erworbene Wissen später im beruflichen Umfeld nutzen?

Undoubtably, English has become the world’s Lingua Franca and its importance cannot be underestimated. Improving your Business English will increase your chances of success in your chosen career path, as you are better equipped to communicate with clients, partners, employers and colleagues in a dynamic, multicultural business environment.

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