One year ago, Tatjana decided to come to Switzerland despite the on-going pandemic. Tatjana is an exchange student from SRH Dresden School of Management.
What a crazy year it has been. But don’t get me wrong crazy is not always bad. A little bit over one year ago, I decided to come to Switzerland despite the on-going pandemic. I just had returned home to Germany because I had to cancel my internship in Dubai after only one month being there. I was totally devastated but without that happening I would not have made it to Switzerland just a few months later. Now I can be grateful for all the little things, moments and emotions I am able to experience and cherish here. You see how things work themselves out sometimes? I know you cannot always see the positive side at first when something unexpected happens but like the cheesy slogan says: Everything happens for a reason.
To begin with I am very fortunate that I was able to experience my first weeks at the FH Graubünde on sight thanks to the hybrid courses. Not only was it easier to settle in but we were also able to meet the other exchange students in person and get to know the “normal” style of living here in Chur. Due to the great organization of the International Office of the FH Graubünden and the students of ESN Chur we already got to know the culture, the close surroundings and some new people during the first few weeks. After that the courses turned to complete online classes and everyone tried their best to make our stay here in Switzerland as pleasant as possible. When that happened some of my friends asked me if I will return to my hometown Leipzig since I could do the classes from anywhere - but that was not even an option for me. To be honest, it played into my hands that I could attend a university in Switzerland, experience how the courses are held here and explore the amazing country, landscape and nature. And that is what I did over the last few months – a lot of adventures and exploring followed.
The year has shown that one of the only things that stays and is always available is the nature, the landscape and the mountains. It did not really matter that a lot of things were closed because we still had the endless nature. Of course, it helps to completely enjoy all that if you are a fan of hiking, swimming in a lake, snowboarding and spending some time alone in the middle of nowhere – like me. I have spent so many hours and days outdoors like never before whether alone or with friends.
Another point which I just have to mention is that during this challenging year without the possibility to get to know new people in “normal” surroundings it was definitely harder to settle in – no daily touchpoints like in classes, at campus, at clubs, bars and restaurants. I feel like I appreciate it more now to make new acquaintances - the viewer you have the more time you get to spend with them and to get to know them.
Honestly, it took me quite a while to see it how I see it now, but I have learned to enjoy every single moment no matter how small it may seem.
It was definitely one of the best decisions I have made in my life yet. For me a life-long dream to live in the mountains came true and I cannot wait to see what else is yet to come.
Great to have you here with us Tatjana – it has been our pleasure!
We’re so glad that you were able to enjoy your experience despite the Pandemic.