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CfP: Work­shop on Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on and Subject In­dex­ing in Library and In­for­ma­ti­on Science

Die 36th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society on Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery, welche vom 1. bis 3. August 2012 in  Hildesheim (Deutschland) stattfinden wird, hat ihren Call for Paper für den "Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science" auf den 31.03.2012 verlängert. Das ist zwar terminlich etwas sportlich, aber machbar.

Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS'2012)

The Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS'2012) is held in conjunction with the 36th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl 2012) Hildesheim, Germany August 1 to 3, 2012.

LIS'2012 solicits contributions on the role of classification and data analysis in this domain. Topics in these area include but are not limited to:

  • Open Access to classification systems: How can we provide a sustainable classification infrastructure?
  • Classification and subject indexing in the context of catalogs and resource discovery systems
  • Linked (subject) data (E.g. Faceted classification and Linked Data architectures: a happy alignment?)
  • Classification, Subject indexing and the Semantic Web (E.g. Taxonomies and Semantic Web Ontologies: how closely are they related to each other?)
  • Automatic and manual methods in Classification and Subject indexing (E.g. Mappings, concordances, heuristics)
  • Subject retrieval in multilingual, multicultural environments
  • Serendipity in library collections and digital libraries

Talks in this workshop can be given in English or German. Eingereicht werden können die Beiträge hier.

Der Text zum Call for Paper findet sich auch hier als PDF (in Englisc)h, der Workshop selber wird in Englisch und Deutsch gehalten werden.

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