Für das UDC Seminar am 24./25. October 2013 in The Hague (NL) mit dem Motto Classification & Visualization: Interfaces to Knowledge wurde der betreffende Call for Paper mit der Deadline 15. Januar 2013 publiziert. Der gesamte Call ist hier zu einzusehen: http://seminar.udcc.org/2013/cfp.php.
We invite overviews, illustrations and analysis of approaches to and models of the visualization of knowledge that can help advance the application of documentary and bibliographic classification in information and knowledge discovery. We welcome high quality, innovative research contributions from various fields of application including:
- visualization of knowledge orders (e.g. scientific taxonomies, Wikipedia)
- visualization of collection content, large datasets
- visualization of knowledge classifications for the purpose of managing the classifications and working with them
- visualization of knowledge to support interactive searching, users browsing behaviour (IR) and classification as an aid to information navigation
Specific topics may include:
- issues and challenges in visualization of conceptual structures and knowledge in general (e.g. development of knowledge over time, shift in knowledge structures (dynamic knowledge), interactions between knowledge structures, socio-cultural issues, technical challenges (incl. animation, simulation)
- knowledge visualization models and metaphors: theory, methods, overviews, analysis
- visualization of classification in: information searching and browsing (e.g. search expansion, result display); visualization of knowledge in relation to user information needs
- presentation and visualization related to specific types of knowledge classification structure (e.g. faceted and enumerative hierarchies, polyhierarchical and/or aspect classifications etc.)
- classification as an aid in presenting and navigating large datasets, or providing an overview of collection content for resource discovery or management purposes
- visualization as an aid to cross-collection, cross-language, cross-vocabulary knowledge browsing
- relationships between classification data formats and classification visualization